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Patient Cena

coach patient cena


Now based permanently in Canada, Coach Patient brings a wealth of international experience to his fitness coaching, notably from a decade spent in Thailand. This journey into fitness began with CrossFit, evolving into a passion for powerlifting and strongman training. Coach Patient's impressive coaching career spans over nine years, during which he has cultivated expertise in strength and conditioning, offering group classes, personal training, and online coaching. His tenure in Thailand was marked by significant accomplishments, including first-place finishes in prestigious competitions across various disciplines, showcasing his dedication and prowess in the fitness arena.

Coach Patient's priority is to craft creative and engaging workouts to make training enjoyable and challenging, demonstrating his commitment to helping clients achieve their fitness objectives. His list of accomplishments serves as a testament to his expertise, dedication, and the high standard of training he provides to those ready to embark on a transformative fitness journey.